Gläser, Jochen, and Grit Laudel, 2016. Governing Science: How Science Policy Shapes Research Content. European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie 57: 117-168. pdf
Laudel, Grit, and Michael Strassnig, 2016. A regional funding organization for basic research? Unconventional missions and their evaluation. fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation: 40-47. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Stefan Lange, Grit Laudel, and Uwe Schimank, 2010. The Limits of Universality: How Field-specific Epistemic Conditions Affect Authority Relations and their Consequences. Richard Whitley, Jochen Gläser und Lars Engwall (Hrsg.), Reconfiguring Knowledge Production: Changing Authority Relationships in the Sciences and Their Consequences for Intellectual Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 291-324. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Stefan Lange, Grit Laudel, and Uwe Schimank, 2010. Informed Authority? The Limited Use of Research Evaluation Systems for Managerial Control in Universities. Richard Whitley, Jochen Gläser und Lars Engwall (Hrsg.), Reconfiguring Knowledge Production: Changing Authority Relationships in the Sciences and Their Consequences for Intellectual Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 149-369. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Grit Laudel, and Stefan Lange, 2009. Auswirkungen der Evaluationsbasierten Forschungsfinanzierung an Universitäten auf die Inhalte der Forschung. Australien und Deutschland im Vergleich. Wissenschaftsrecht 42 (4): 329 – 352. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Stefan Lange, Grit Laudel, and Uwe Schimank, 2008. Evaluationsbasierte Forschungsfinanzierung und ihre Folgen. Friedhelm Neidhardt, Renate Mayntz, Peter Weingart und Ulrich Wengenroth (Hrsg.), Wissensproduktion und Wissenstransfer. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 145-170. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2007. Evaluation without Evaluators: The impact of funding formulae on Australian University Research. Richard Whitley und Jochen Gläser (Hrsg.), The Changing Governance of the Sciences: The Advent of Research Evaluation Systems. Dordrecht: Springer, 127-151. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2007, The social construction of bibliometric methods. In: Richard Whitley und Jochen Gläser (eds.): The Changing Governance of the Sciences: The Advent of Research Evaluation Systems. Dordrecht, Springer: 101-123. pdf
Laudel, Grit and Gloria Origgi, 2006: Special Issue on the assessment of interdisciplinary research, Research Evaluation 15(1).
Laudel, Grit, and Jochen Gläser, 2006. Tensions between evaluations and communication practices. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 28 (3): 289-295. pdf
Laudel, Grit and Gloria Origgi, 2006: Introduction to a Special Issue on the assessment of interdisciplinary research, Research Evaluation 15 (1), 2-4. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2006: Conclave in the Tower of Babel: How peers review interdisciplinary research proposals. Research Evaluation 15 (1), 57-68. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2006: The ‘quality myth’: Promoting and hindering conditions for acquiring research funds. Higher Education 52 (3), 375-403. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2005: Advantages and dangers of ‘remote’ peer evaluation. Research Evaluation 14 (3), 186-198. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2005: Is external research funding a valid indicator for research performance? Research Evaluation 14 (1), 27-34. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Grit Laudel, Sybille Hinze, and Linda Butler, 2002: Impact of evaluation-based funding on the production of scientific knowledge: What to worry about, and how to find out (Expertise für das BMBF). pdf