Laudel, Grit, 2024. Where do quality notions come from? Research Evaluation 33 (1), rvae027. https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvae027
Gläser, Jochen, and Grit Laudel, 2023. Taking Part, Apart: Inclusion of Researchers from the German Democratic Republic in Their International Scientific Communities. Jutta Günther, Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast, Udo Ludwig and Hans-Jürgen Wagener (Hrsg.), Roadblocks to the Socialist Modernization Path and Transition. Palgrave MacMillan, 197-206. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, and Grit Laudel, 2023. The Undercomplexity of Higher Education Policy Innovations. Cornelius Schubert and Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer (Hrsg.), Berlin Keys to the Sociology of Technology. Wiesbaden: Springer, 161-182.
Gläser, Jochen; Ash Mitchell; Buenstorf, Guido; Hopf, David; Hubenschmid, Lara; Janßen, Melike; Laudel, Grit; Schimank, Uwe; Stoll, Marlene; Wilholt, Torsten; Zechlin, Lothar and Lieb, Klaus, 2022. The Independence of Research—A Review of Disciplinary Perspectives and Outline of Interdisciplinary Prospects. Minerva 60 (1), 105-138. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11024-021-09451-8.pdf
Held, Matthias, Laudel, Grit, and Gläser, Jochen, 2021. Challenges to the validity of topic reconstruction. Scientometrics 126: 4511–4536. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11192-021-03920-3
Grit Laudel, Can we find bibliometric traces for the inclusion of researchers in their scientific communities? In: Lockdown Bibliometrics: Papers not submitted to the STI conference 2020 in Aarhus, SoS Discussion Paper 2/2020. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, and Grit Laudel, 2019. The discovery of causal mechanisms: Extractive qualitative content analysis as a tool for process tracing [76 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research 20: Art. 29,
Laudel, Grit, and Jana Bielick, 2019. How do field-specific research practices affect mobility decisions of early career researchers? Research Policy 48, Issue 9, 103800.
Laudel, Grit, and Jana Bielick, 2019. Forschungspraktische Probleme bei der Archivierung von leitfadengestützten Interviews [75 Absätze]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research 20: Art. 10. https://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/handle/document/62806
Gläser, Jochen, and Grit Laudel, 2019. Innovationen in der Wissenschaft. Birgit Blättel-Mink, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer and Arnold Windeler (eds.), Handbuch Innovationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer. pdf
Laudel, Grit, Jana Bielick, and Jochen Gläser, 2019. ‘Ultimately the question always is: “What do I have to do to do it right?”’ Scripts as explanatory factors of career decisions. Human Relations 72: 932 –961.doi.org/10.1177/0018726718786550
Laudel, Grit, and Jana Bielick, 2018. The emergence of individual research programmes in the early career phase of academics. Science, Technology, & Human Values 43: 972-1010. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Grit Laudel, Christopher Grieser, and Uli Meyer, 2018. Scientific fields as epistemic regimes: new opportunities for comparative science studies. The Technical University Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-3-2018, Berlin: Technical University Berlin. pdf
The Berlin Script Collective, 2018. Technik vergleichen: Ein Analyserahmen für die Beeinflussung von Arbeit durch Technik. Arbeits- und Industriesoziologische Studien 11: 124-142. https://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/handle/document/64869
Whitley, R., Gläser, Jochen; Laudel, Grit, 2018. “The Impact of Changing Funding and Authority Relationships on Scientific Innovations.” Minerva 56: 109-134. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2017. How do national career systems promote or hinder the emergence of new research lines? Minerva 55: 341-369. pdf
The Berlin Script Collective, 2017. Comparing scripts and scripting comparisons. Toward a systematic analysis of technologically mediated influence. The Technical University Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-1-2017, Berlin. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, and Grit Laudel, 2016. Governing Science: How Science Policy Shapes Research Content. European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie 57: 117-168. pdf
Laudel, Grit, and Michael Strassnig, 2016. A regional funding organization for basic research? Unconventional missions and their evaluation. fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation: 40-47. pdf
Gläser, Jochen; Laudel, Grit; Lettkemann, Eric, 2016. Hidden in Plain Sight: The Impact of Generic Governance on the Emergence of Research Fields. Martina Merz and Philippe Sormani (Hrsg.), The Local Configuration of New Research Fields. Springer International Publishing, 25-43. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2015. Cold Atom Gases, Hedgehogs and Snakes: The Methodological Challenges of Comparing Scientific Things. Nature and Culture 10: 303-332. pdf
Gläser, Jochen; Bielick, Jana; Jungmann, Robert; Laudel, Grit; Lettkemann, Eric; Petschick, Grit; Tschida, Ulla, 2015. Research cultures as an explanatory factor. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40: 327-346. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2015. A Bibliometric Reconstruction of Research Trails for Qualitative Investigations of Scientific Innovations. Historical Social Research – Historische Sozialforschung 40: 299-330. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2015. The Three Careers of an Academic. Discussion Paper 35/2015. Berlin: TU Berlin, Center for Technology and Society. pdf
Laudel, Grit and Jochen Gläser, 2014. Beyond breakthrough research: Epistemic properties of research and their consequences for research funding. Research Policy 43: 1204–1216. pdf
Laudel, Grit; Benninghoff, Martin; Lettkemann, Eric; Håkansson, Elias, 2014. Highly Adaptable but not Invulnerable: Necessary and Facilitating Conditions for Research in Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Richard Whitley and Jochen Gläser (Hrsg.), Organizational Transformation And Scientific Change: The Impact Of Institutional Restructuring On Universities And Intellectual Innovation. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 235-265. pdf
Laudel, Grit; Lettkemann, Eric; Ramuz, Raphaël; Wedlin, Linda; Woolley, Richard, 2014. Cold Atoms – Hot Research: High Risks, High Rewards in Five Different Authority Structures. Richard Whitley and Jochen Gläser (Hrsg.), Organizational Transformation And Scientific Change: The Impact Of Institutional Restructuring On Universities And Intellectual Innovation. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 203-234. pdf
Laudel, Grit; Weyer, Elke, 2014. Where have all the Scientists Gone? Building Research Profiles at Dutch Universities and its Consequences for Research. Richard Whitley and Jochen Gläser (Hrsg.), Organizational Transformation And Scientific Change: The Impact Of Institutional Restructuring On Universities And Intellectual Innovation. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 111-140. pdf
Gläser, Jochen; Aljets, Enno; Gorga, Adriana; Hedemo, Tina; Håkansson, Elias; Laudel, Grit, 2014. Path Dependence and Policy Steering in the Social Sciences: The Varied Impact of International Large Scale Student Assessment on the Educational Sciences in Four European Countries. Richard Whitley and Jochen Gläser (Hrsg.), Organizational Transformation and Scientific Change: The Impact of Institutional Restructuring on Universities and Intellectual Innovation. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group, 267-295. pdf
Gläser, Jochen; Aljets, Enno; Lettkemann, Eric; Laudel, Grit, 2014. Where to go for a Change: The Impact of Authority Structures in Universities and Public Research Institutes on Changes of Research Practices. Richard Whitley and Jochen Gläser (Hrsg.), Organizational Transformation and Scientific Change: The Impact of Institutional Restructuring on Universities and Intellectual Innovation. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group, 297-329. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2014. Interdisziplinarität. Günter Endruweit, Gisela Trommsdorff and Nicole Burzan (Hrsg.), Wörterbuch der Soziologie, 3. Aufl. Stuttgart: UVK, 204. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2013. Life With and Without Coding: Two Methods for Early-Stage Data Analysis in Qualitative Research Aiming at Causal Explanations [96 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 14. https://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1886/3529
Laudel, Grit, 2013. Wie beeinflussen Karrieren innovative Forschung? Heinrich Parthey, Thomas Heinze and Rüdiger Wink (Hrsg.), Kreativität in der Forschung: Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2012. Berlin: WV, 109-140. pdf
Laudel, Grit 2013. An In-depth Case Study of Selected WWTF Impacts. Wien: WWTF. Report for the 2013/ 2014 Impact Evaluation of the WWTF. https://www.wwtf.at/upload/WWTF_impacteval2014_PanelReport.pdf
Laudel, Grit, and Jochen Gläser, 2012. The ERC’s impact on the grantees’ research and their careers (EURECIA, Work package 4 summary report). pdf (short version here: pdf)
Laudel, Grit and Jochen Gläser, 2011. Academic careers and how to find research excellence. Plattform Forschungs- und Technologieevaluierung Nr. 36, Juni 2011. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Stefan Lange, Grit Laudel and Uwe Schimank, 2010. The Limits of Universality: How Field-specific Epistemic Conditions Affect Authority Relations and their Consequences. Richard Whitley, Jochen Gläser und Lars Engwall (Hrsg.), Reconfiguring Knowledge Production: Changing Authority Relationships in the Sciences and Their Consequences for Intellectual Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 291-324. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Stefan Lange, Grit Laudel, and Uwe Schimank, 2010. Informed Authority? The Limited Use of Research Evaluation Systems for Managerial Control in Universities. Richard Whitley, Jochen Gläser und Lars Engwall (Hrsg.), Reconfiguring Knowledge Production: Changing Authority Relationships in the Sciences and Their Consequences for Intellectual Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 149-369. pdf
Gläser, Jochen; Grit Laudel; Stefan Lange, 2009. Auswirkungen der Evaluationsbasierten Forschungsfinanzierung an Universitäten auf die Inhalte der Forschung. Australien und Deutschland im Vergleich. Wissenschaftsrecht 42 (4): 329 – 352. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2009. On Interviewing “Good” and “Bad” Experts. Alexander Bogner, Beate Littig und Wolfgang Menz (Hrsg.), Interviewing Experts. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 117 – 138. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2009. Wenn zwei das Gleiche sagen … Qualitätsunterschiede zwischen Experten. Alexander Bogner, Beate Littig und Wolfgang Menz (eds.), Das Experteninterview: Theorie, Methode, Anwendung, Leske und Budrich. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2008: Creating competing constructions by Reanalysing Qualitative Data. Historical Social Research/ Historische Sozialforschung 33, 115-147. pdf
Laudel, Grit and Jochen Gläser, 2008. From apprentice to colleague: the metamorphosis of Early Career Researchers. Higher Education 55 (3): 387-406. pdf
Gläser, Jochen; Lange,Stefan; Laudel,Grit; Schimank, Uwe, 2008. Evaluationsbasierte Forschungsfinanzierung und ihre Folgen. Friedhelm Neidhardt, Renate Mayntz, Peter Weingart und Ulrich Wengenroth (Hrsg.), Wissensproduktion und Wissenstransfer. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 145-170. pdf
Laudel, Grit, und Jochen Gläser, 2007. Interviewing Scientists. Science, Technology & Innovation Studies 3 (2). pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel 2007. Evaluation without Evaluators: The impact of funding formulae on Australian University Research. Richard Whitley und Jochen Gläser (Hrsg.), The Changing Governance of the Sciences: The Advent of Research Evaluation Systems. Dordrecht: Springer, 127-151. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel 2007, The social construction of bibliometric methods. In: Richard Whitley und Jochen Gläser (eds.): The Changing Governance of the Sciences: The Advent of Research Evaluation Systems. Dordrecht, Springer: 101-123. pdf
Laudel, Grit and Gloria Origgi, 2006: Special Issue on the assessment of interdisciplinary research, Research Evaluation 15(1).
Laudel, Grit, and Jochen Gläser, 2006. Tensions between evaluations and communication practices. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 28 (3): 289-295. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2006: The art of getting funded: How Scientists adapt to their funding conditions. Science and Public Policy 33 (7) , 489-504. pdf
Laudel, Grit und Gloria Origgi, 2006: Introduction to a Special Issue on the assessment of interdisciplinary research, Research Evaluation 15 (1), 2-4. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2006: Conclave in the Tower of Babel: How peers review interdisciplinary research proposals. Research Evaluation 15 (1), 57-68. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2006: The ‘quality myth’: Promoting and hindering conditions for acquiring research funds. Higher Education 52 (3), 375-403. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2005: Advantages and dangers of ‘remote’ peer evaluation. Research Evaluation 14 (3), 186-198. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2005: Migration currents among the Scientific Elite. Minerva 43, 377-395. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2005: Is external research funding a valid indicator for research performance? Research Evaluation 14 (1), 27-34. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2004: Experteninterviews und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse als Instrumente rekonstruierender Untersuchungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 347pp. (4. Auflage 2010, Koreanische Übersetzung 2012)
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2004: The Sociological description of non-social conditions of research. REPP Discussion Paper 04/2, November. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2003: Studying the Brain Drain: Can Bibliometric Methods Help? Scientometrics 57 (2), 215-237. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2002: What do we measure by co-authorships? Research Evaluation 11 (1), 3-15. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Grit Laudel, Sybille Hinze, and Linda Butler, 2002: Impact of evaluation-based funding on the production of scientific knowledge: What to worry about, and how to find out (Expertise für das BMBF). pdf
Laudel, Grit, 2001: Collaboration, creativity and rewards: why and how scientists collaborate. International Journal of Technology Management 22, 762-781. pdf
Gläser, Jochen and Grit Laudel, 2001: Integrating scientometric indicators into sociological studies: methodical and methodological problems. Scientometrics 52, 411-434. pdf
Laudel, Grit, and Jochen Gläser, 2001: Outsiders, Peers and Stars: Analysing Scientists’ Integration into Scientific communities with Scientometric Indicators. Proceedings of the Second Berlin Workshop on Scientometrics and Informetrics ‘Collaboration in Science and in Technology’, Free University Berlin, Germany, September 1-3, 2000, Berlin: Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung., 129-141. pdf
Gläser, Jochen und Grit Laudel, 2000: Re-Analyse als Vergleich von Konstruktionsleistungen. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 1(3). Available at: https://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1042/2254
Laudel, Grit, 1999: Interdisziplinäre Forschungskooperation: Erfolgsbedingungen der Institution ‘Sonderforschungsbereich’. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 278pp.
Laudel, Grit and Jochen Gläser, 1999: Konzepte und empirische Befunde zur Interdisziplinarität: Über einige Möglichkeiten für die Wissenschaftssoziologie, an Arbeiten von Heinrich Parthey anzuschließen. In: Umstätter, Walter und Karl-Friedrich Wessel (Hrsg.): Interdisziplinarität – Herausforderung und Resultat. Bielefeld: Kleine-Verlag, 19-36. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, and Grit Laudel, 1999: Where do the Actants/Mangles Come From? in conference “Sociality/Materiality: The Status of the Object in Social Science”. Brunel University, UK, 9-11 September: WZB Discussion Paper P 99-402, Berlin: Wissenschaftszentum Berlin für Sozialforschung. pdf
Laudel, Grit, 1999: Interdisziplinäre Forschungskooperation: Erfolgsbedingungen der Institution ‘Sonderforschungsbereich’ (Interdisciplinary research collaboration: Promoting conditions of the institution ‚Collaborative Research Centre’). Berlin: Edition Sigma. pdf
Laudel, Grit and Jochen Gläser, 1998: What are Institutional Boundaries and how can They be Overcome? Germany’s Collaborative Research Centres as Boundary-Spanning Networks. WZB discussion paper P 98-401, Berlin: Wissenschaftszentum Berlin für Sozialforschung. pdf
Gläser, Jochen, Bettina Becker, Anne Goedicke, Thomas Hager, Marion Höppner, Astrid Karl, and Grit Laudel, 1994. If People Become Afraid of Your Research Methods. Conflicts over Research Reactors in Berlin and Munich. Uwe Schimank und Andreas Stucke (Hrsg.), Coping with trouble. How Science Reacts to Political Disturbances of Research Conditions. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 293 – 332.